Polyurethane primer for preparing PVC membranes for subsequent coating with liquid applied waterproofing
PVC Primer is a high-performance plasticiser resistant polyurethane primer for the preparation of PVC single ply membranes prior to subsequent adhering or application of liquid applied waterproofing membranes. The primer is a rapid drying, free flowing liquid providing a substantial coverage rate per litre of up to 12m2, making for a simple and cost effective application. PVC primer offers long term performance but will discolour if exposed to UV light.
PVC Primer is also able to prepare the PVC single ply membranes prior to detailing perimeters and pipe penetrations with liquid waterproofing for use in hybrid flat roofing specifications. This formulation ensures that plasticisers do not migrate and degrade the bond strength of the waterproofing or adhered system, it would also be suitable for use over weathered failing single ply systems to allow for repairs.
Pack Sizes:
5L, 10L, 15L, 20L
Available packaged to specification
View the full Primer range here.